Episode 29

James (left) and Doug

The last time Kath saw the married couple James Sie and Douglas Wood, they had not yet adopted their new baby from Viet Nam – who is now 22.  Picking right up where they left off (quite literally!), James delights Kath and Jan with homemade blueberry maple scones, which Jan has to force herself not to eat on the air. In a far-ranging discussion on many topics, we talk about the disparity in cooking duties in our respective relationships and come to the conclusion that Food=Love and Love=Control and therefore Food=Control, but is that a bad thing?  We also discuss how food can trigger memories not only for children but for aging parents as well.  Find Doug’s work at www.douglaswood.net and James' work at www.sieworld.com.  A fantastic, often hilarious conversation with two old friends – listen in!


The famous caramel-apple cake!


Episode 30


Episode 28